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Evidence 1 - Internal Oral Assessment 

Internal Oral Assessment
00:00 / 04:10

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


Communicator - I think that this evidence is the most prevalent piece of evidence that shows my abilities as a communicator. In this specific instance you needed to be able to communicate your ideas about a text, in this case, George Orwell's 1984, correctly, clearly, and on the spot. I think it truly encases how well you are at communication given that there is no time for you to think about the answer that you are going to give, or for you to analyse what you are going to say. 


How can this particular evidence help me in the future?


I think that this kind of rapid-fire interview-like situation will help me in the future by preparing me to give an interview at a job that I want to apply to. It is the perfect example of how I can communicate my ideas and my opinions in certain situations. 


Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence?


I was terrified about this assignment. I had to spend hours in the Gym and Running beforehand so that I could tire myself out. Otherwise, I would have gone insane. It was the first IB assignment that I handed in and I knew that if I did badly on it it would prime me for everything else going badly. Fortunately, I did fantastic. 

Evidence 2 - Podcast

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-16 a la(s) 1

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


Inquirers - This piece of evidence is probably one of the coolest and funniest things I ever did. We had to make a podcast about something we liked, which ended in Guli (my partner) and I scoured the internet for something to talk about until we found the case of the Nuclear Boy Scout. After that, we both spent two days just soaking up information about this specific nuclear incident, and then we did a 50-ish minute long podcast about it. It was so fun doing this with my best friend, and even funnier because Laura had warned us that she wouldn't listen to it if it was over 20 minutes long... which of course was a lie because she couldn't resist, and even showed it to her dad! 


How can this particular evidence help me in the future?


It helped me realise that sometimes when you are having fun and loving what you do, things just turn out great. You have to love what you are doing and enjoy the people that you are working with. You also have to be interested and engaged in the topic. It makes everything easier and amazing. 


Which feelings or memories do I remember while thinking about the evidence?


I laughed so hard through this assignment. Especially because working with Guli is amazing. I feel like he and I can crack jokes for an hour straight, and that's exactly what we did. It was equal measures informative and dumb, and it makes me miss the start of the pandemic when we were less tired, more talkative, and it was just easier to do work like this. 

Evidence 3 - Graffiti Art 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-16 a la(s) 1

How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic?


Open-Minded - Not Wheelchair Accessible is my piece about one of the most forgotten groups of society: people with disabilities. I especially talked about how armed conflict disproportionately affects people with disabilities given that there is no way in which they can be adequately evacuated in time. I think that this is a group of people that is still extremely marginalised and that people don't really consider when designing anything, or when they act. There is still a very long way to go in regards to their rights and liberties, and art, especially protest art, is a very good way to make people understand certain struggles. 


How can this particular evidence help me in the future?


Art is a very important way of communicating with other people. Sometimes images and paintings portray things that words can never. There is a stark difference between saying "There are people who are dying because of the lack of infrastructure to protect them" and showing a picture of those people and what they have to go through. One is a calculated sentence that seems abstract, the other is tangible proof of tragedy. 


What problems did I face when doing this particular evidence? 


One of the biggest challenges was realising that art is very hard and I suck at doing art. There were so many things that I wanted to convey with my piece but I couldn't. It felt like when you are first learning a new language— you want to express yourself and say so much, but you really cant. It was both very frustrating and it made me realise how talented artistis are. 


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