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Evidencia 1 - Internal Assement

How did this evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics?


Risk Taker: Since we were in the midst of a pandemic and we couldn't really do a proper experiment most of the people that were part of ESS decided to do data analysis, however, I had always dreamed of designing my own science experiment and carrying it out instead of following instructions. So I did. I designed and executed my own project which helped me get a really good result thanks to the fieldwork I did and how meticulous I was with the process. I tried to be as scientific as possible within the confines of my own home and I am so excited that I did because it turned out fantastic. 


What did I learn about myself from this evidence?


I learned that I can be very methodical if I want to be. That is not something that I knew about myself given that I am often very impatient and very fast-paced. Therefore seeing that I could be methodical and scientific was a nice and wonderful surprise. It showed me that I can also ask for help from my teachers given that I relied heavily on Carlos in order to complete it which was a nice surprise for me given that I don't usually like to ask for help. 

What memories or feelings do I get from this evidence?


I feel pride because I got away with what I wanted. I got away with making a science experiment and making it my way and no others. That is something that I loved because I love being able to have control over any and every situation. So it was fun and exciting and rewarding and amazing that I did that and it was very cool!

Evidence 2 - Paper 1 Exam 

How did this evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics?


Knowledgeable: This exam was one of the best I have ever done in my life. It was so rewarding to sit down on an exam and feel like you know everything. It felt amazing to finish the exam and know that all of the hours studying paid off given that there wasn't a single question that couldn't answer or had doubts about. It made me realise that the class paid off and that my hours of studying the day before paid off too. 

What challenges did I face when completing this evidence?


Studying in the first place. It was so time-consuming to just sit down and revise all of the information. I had to write everything down, again and again, to make sure I had concepts right and I had to read the entire ESS book because I needed to be able to get everything down. It was so important for me to get a good grade in this class because the subject means a lot to me. 

What did I learn about myself when completing this evidence?


That I need to learn how to study more efficiently. I realised that I was very inefficient in the way that I study because I really don't know how to. I have never needed to really study for a subject that isn't math, which is very different from studying for a less hands-on subject like ESS or any other which doesn't require practising repetition until I am good at doing the things. 

Evidence 3 - Paper 2

How did this evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics?


Reflective: One of the most important parts of this Paper was to reflect and analyse the situation which was happening in the exam paper and try to come with a solution of a complete environmental analysis of the problem and the causes. The reason why this is reflective is that it is not something that you can simply know the answer to by virtue of knowing the book, you have to understand it and be able to analyse it. 

What feelings or memories do I get from this evidence?


I was initially very worried that I wasn't going to be able to answer it correctly because of how much analysis is required. I felt like I was doing an inadequate job of explaining things correctly and it made me very nervous. However, after the exam was done I realised that I had done a pretty good job by explaining everything that I was doing and being very technical and objective about the subject. It was very rewarding. 


How will this evidence help me in the future? 

I want to study politics and try to change the world. I want to be able to do something for people and environmentalism is very important. This class will allow me to access my studies regarding sustainability more easily in university because it has already given me the basis. Therefore, I will be able to advance into better classes more easily and have a more in-depth understanding of everything by the time I leave. 

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