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Evidence 1 - Textual Analysis 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-20 a la(s) 9

How did this piece of evidence show the chosen IB learner profile characteristic? 


Thinkers: This is quite a hard assignment for many reasons. Amongst them is the fact that it is a highly structured essay in which you have to use several levels of Analysis throughout it, and make sure to include several of the film analysis tools. This is why this specific evidence is so hard to complete, it is not a normal essay but rather one that includes several technical aspects, and in order to complete it you have to have a certain degree of both understanding and knowledge about everything that you are talking about. 


Which challenges did I face while completing this evidence? 


As stated before the fact that this essay is highly technical and requires so much prior knowledge in order to be completed makes it hard for you to be able to do it correctly. You need to have seen your chosen film at least three times, do extensive research on the socio-cultural context of the film and the director as well as understand the various levels of interpretation that you might come across in the scene and movie you are analysing. I had to repeat this essay at the very least three times, it was very hard and sometimes I wondered if I was ever even going to be able to properly complete it. 


How can this evidence help me in the future? 


The fact that you have to be able to complete a very technically demanding essay will most definitely help me in University. It will help me get the basis for the essays that I will later be crafting, as well as allow me to develop my critical analysis skills and my communication skills. More than helping me learn about film I think that this specific evidence helped me understand that there is a certain idea and technique about writing that will define the way that I can express myself academically.

Evidence 2 - Comparative Study

How did this evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics? 


Principled: I think that the most challenging piece of this course was the Comparative Study. I always felt like I was not doing enough even if I used several academic sources, talked about several movements inside of the film and outside in terms of the socio-cultural context that I had, and spent hours editing and recording what I was talking about. Even then, I am very pleased with what I did even if it was challenging, time-consuming, and probably won’t earn me anything even near a seven. I think I will be very glad about something like a four or a five cause it was very challenging. 


What feelings or memories do I get from this evidence? 


More than anything I get the feeling of frustration, annoyance, and fear. I fear this assignment and what the IB will have to say about it. I am annoyed that I couldn’t do more about it because I felt like I was falling behind and failing at everything I did. I am frustrated with myself for not spending more time developing everything. But I am also proud that I managed to finish it cause there was a moment when I just thought I wasn’t going to be able to come up with anything good or even decent. 


What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 


I learned that I am capable of pushing through even if it’s very hard. Because it was extremely hard. On top of everything that I was going through regarding the Pandemic and the feeling that I had lost one of the most important and fun years of my life I had to deal with this assignment and everything else because it was expected of me. I pushed through the feelings of helplessness and uselessness and completed it!

Evidence 3 - Film Portfolio 

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-20 a la(s) 2

How did this evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile characteristics? 


Risk-Taker: I decided not to play it safe at all with this specific evidence. I decided that I was not going to do the easiest possible evidence for the Ib and rather do something that I loved and that I am very good at doing— writing stories. I decided the chose the role of the scriptwriter for this assignment, something that nobody else chose because of what they were required to do by the IB in order to complete it. However, I was very glad to do this because I think it shows my understanding of how writing characters work even if it wasn’t the safe choice.

What feelings or memories do I get from this evidence?

I feel happiness. I was very glad I could do this piece of evidence because it showed what I could do, what I could create, how I understood dialogue and it showed that I am a good writer. I pride myself on my writing, I pride myself in being a woman that understands certain topics and that can use this medium of art to explain and express myself. 


What did I learn about myself while completing this evidence? 


I just learned that when you do what you love it will turn out great. I loved writing this, the specific story that I wrote was something that I worked a lot in especially because of what it means to me. I also think that it is very nice to be able to use one of your skills in order to do one of the most important assignments for the IB. It is very rewarding to know that what I love evenutally helped me out to complete something so important. 

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