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Evidence 1 - Internal Assessment - A Study of the Relationship Between GDP per Capita and Life Expectancy

Description of the Evidence: The Internal Assessment for Maths is to create a mathematical study about an original topic, and then creating an analysis of said mathematical process in an essay. 


How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 


Principled: This was definitely one of the hardest assignments I have done in my life. There were several moments in which I considered simply giving up or turning in something bad and underdeveloped. However, I believe that my principles stopped me from doing either, given that I knew that I had not only to keep going but also turn in the best work I could. 


Which challenges did I face when developing this particular evidence?


Throughout doing this work I faced several challenges. First of all, I realised that writing about mathematics was much harder than I had originally thought it would be. Additionally, the maths that I had to do was very long given that the process is very drawn-out, this left my IA up for a lot of mistakes given that all of the calculations that I had to do depended on each other being correct. It was very exhausting and maddening but I am very proud about finishing it and getting a decent grade. 

Evidence 2 - Internal Assessment Practice - How The Twelth Root of Pie Helped Shape Music as we Know it

Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-12 a la(s) 0
Captura de Pantalla 2021-05-12 a la(s) 0

Description of the Evidence: This Assignment was one of the two practice runs for the actual IA that we had to write. It was a smaller project that Gagan made for us to understand how it worked. 


How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 


Reflective: The most important thing about this piece was how it got me to reflect on what I had to do and couldn't do when I actually made my Internal Assessment for the IB. I actually did very badly on this specific project because I didn't understand what it was about. I didn't get what the IB wanted me to do for the Internal Assessment until I got into this project because it was so weird for me to do this. I think that the fact that I did so terribly in this project helped me make a better Internal Assessment when the time came. I think that without this specific assignment to base myself off, I would have done much worse in the Internal Assessment. 


How will this evidence help me in the future?


I think that the most important thing that this evidence taught me was the old-time idea that we have to be prepared to fail at some point, and consequently, we also have to learn from the mistakes that we made during that time. As I said before, this assignment was horrible, I didn't understand what was expected of me, and consequently, I didn't have a fighting chance. Sometimes there are things that we are just not good at, and for me, this was it. There is a very distinct feeling of frustration when you realise that you don't understand something that seems to be simple, and this project taught me that there is no shame in not being good at things. 

Evidence 3 - IB Mock Exams (and preparation) 

Description of the Evidence: The IB Mock exams were probably one of the most stressful and demanding times of my life. That week leading up to the Math exam, I spent doing revision, reading the Kognity and doing the practice problems that the platform gave us, and in the end, it paid off (somewhat). 


How does this piece of evidence show the chosen IB Learner Profile Characteristic? 


Knowledgeable: One of the best parts about this experience was the fact that I went into the Kognity thinking that I would simply not know anything; however, when I got into it, I realised how much I had actually learned and remembered. I think that is one of the things about school and maths that we don't quite understand— we don't get the fact that we know a lot about certain subjects and we remember a lot of the things that we learned during the year. it was quite rewarding to have this experience. 


What feelings or memories do I have about this particular evidence? 


The feeling of finishing these exams while knowing that you did the best you could have done amazing. I remember finishing the first exam happy about my performance after an entire week of struggling and worrying needlessly. After these two exams, I also decided that I was too overwhelmed and stressed out and decided to go camping close to my grandparent's house. So my uncle and I left to go camping that afternoon and had a wonderful night! All in all, I think that these kinds of high-stress situations make you feel better about yourself and give you time to reflect on what you need to continue or to be happy.

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